81 Schools.

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81 Education and Teaching Schools & Programs Found Matching: Education and Teaching

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You need not be a teacher to influence the educational system in Singapore. You can be part of the team that develops academic practice in the country. You could be instrumental in developing the syllabus for future years. You might also be able to change the way some subjects are being taught. A constant study of students over the years will help to understand what will make it easy for the students to cope up with school education. The certificate course in academic practice can be the one that you may study to become part of the education system in Singapore. You can also study certificate courses in counseling which help the students in deciding what they want to study in their higher education.

Certificate courses in Singapore also include courses that will train you in teaching foundation courses. These courses help the students to prepare themselves for the college degree. The transition from school to university is not very easy for many students and these foundation courses are very helpful. You can also learn to teach students who take preparatory courses. These courses help students in getting admission to government schools. Many students from non-English speaking races find it difficult in higher studies because everything is taught only in English. You can become a good English teacher for these students by completing a certificate course in teaching.